Tuesday, February 18, 2014

1. The hospital team

Most of Medical Terminologies come from Latin and Greek.  Etymology is the study of origin, the root of the word.  You can break-down many medical words with Etymology.

For example, Cardiology can be broken down like this.
Cardio - pertaining to the heart (심장에 관한)
logy     - study of (공부, 연구에 관한)

ist - person

(definition)  Doctor who studies or treats heart disease.
심장 질환을 연구하거나 취급하는 의사.

Physio - of nature, living things, physical (자연, 생물, 물리적)
Therapy - curing, healing (치료, 치유)
ist - person

(definition)  a person who is trained to treat disease, injury, or weakness in the joints or muscles by exercises, massage, and the use of light and heat.
질병, 부상, 또는 운동, 마사지, 그리고 빛과 열을 사용하여 관절이나 근육의 약점을 치료하는 훈련 된 사람.

Radio (Radio wave, Radiation 전파)
logy - study of
ist - person

(definition) A hospital doctor who is trained in the use of radiation to treat people.
사람을 치료하는 방사선의 사용에 훈련되어있는 병원 의사.

An - without
aisthesis - feeling
ist - person

(definition) Anaesthetist can be a nurse who has been specially trained to give people anaesthetics (마취약).특별히 사람들에게 마취를 제공하기 위해 훈련을받은 간호사도 될 수 있습니다.

Consult - take the advice of
ant - person

(definition) A hospital doctor of high rank who has special knowledge in a particular area of medicine and advises the patient's doctor (의료 고문).

의학의 특정 분야에 특별한 지식을 가지고 있으며 환자의 의사를 조언 높은 순위의 병원 의사.


Pedo - Child
iatric - healing
ian - person

(definition)  Doctor who deals with children and their illnesses.

아이들의 질병을 치료하는 의사.


Mid - with, together with
wife - woman

(definition)  A nurse who attends birth and delivers babies.

출생에 산파 노릇을 맡고 아이를 받아내는 간호사.

Lab technician examines samples and tissues(조직 세포) under a microscope(현미경).

실험실 기사가 현미경으로 샘플 및 조직 세포를 검사합니다.


Para - defense against(방어), protect from
medic - someone who has been trained to help people who are hurt or to do medical work, 
             but who is not a doctor or nurse. 
             상처 아르 또는 의료 작업을 수행 할하지만, 의사 나 간호사가 아니며 사람들을 돕기 위해 훈련을받은 

(definition) Someone who responds to emergencies and gives first aid.

긴급에 대응하고 응급 처치를 제공합니다.

first aid - simple medical treatment that is given as soon as possible to someone who is injured or
               who suddenly become ill.
               간단한 치료로 최대한 빨리 부상 또는 갑자기 병이난 환자를 치료하다.


Pharmacy - medicine
ist -person

(definition) someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital.
약국이나 또는 병원에서 약을 처방하는 사람.

Porter  - Someone who's job is to carry equipment in the hospital.

              병원에서 의료 기구를 운반하는 일을합니다.

Receptionist welcomes and deals with people who visits a doctor.

의사를 방문하는 사람들과 접수의 환영하고 대합니다.

scrub nurse supports surgeons in the operating room.

수술실 간호사는 수술실에서 의사를 도와줍니다.

surgeon - doctor who performs operations.

                 수술을 시행하는 의사.

1.  Scrub Up (Match each job with each person in the picture)
2.  Listening 1 (An admission) 
3.  Vocabulary (Complete descriptions 1 - 10 with a job from Scrub up and the verbs.) 
4.  Write a sentence to describe what the person does, and a sentence to describe what the person is doing
     in the picture on p.4 and p.5.  Then, we will play a guessing game next week.
     ex.  A. He moves patients from one part of the hospital to another.
                In the picture, he's pushing a wheel chair.
           B.  Is it a ____________?
           A.  Yes.

Listening 1 -- An admission
P = paramedic, B = Mrs. Benson
P  Can you hear me?  Mrs. Benson?
B  Yes.  Where am I?  What happened?
P  You're in my ambulance.  You've had a fall and we're taking you to hospital.
B  Yes, now I remember.

R = radiologist, B = Mrs. Benson
R  Right, Mrs. Benson.  We're going to have a closer look at your heart.  Have you had an x-ray before?
B  Yes, I broke my leg once.

S = sister (charge Nurse(수간호사)) B = Mrs. Benson
S  Hello, Mrs. Benson.  How do you feel?
B  Terrible.  I've got a terrible headache and I need to use the toilet.
S  OK.  I'll draw the curtains and you can use a bedpan.
    Doctor Bright is coming to have a look at you in a moment.

C = consultant, B = Mrs. Benson
C  Mrs. Benson.  We've been worried about you but I've got good news.
     The x-ray shows your heart is clear and Sister says your blood pressure is back to normal.
     How are you feeling?
B  I feel fine now.
C  Good.  I'm going to prescribe some medicine and I'm discharging you.

R = receptionist, B = Mrs. Benson
R  Right, Mrs. Benson, so you want to make an outpatient's appointment for next week?
B  Yes, please.
R  Thursday at four?
B  Fine.
R  Good Next Thursday at four o'clock to see Doctor Lee in Outpatients.

What happened with Mrs. Benson?

Gather patients' Medical History from Basic Hospital Conversational English

N.  What is your name?
N.  How old are you?
N.  What's your occupation?
P.  (Something other than a nurse or a doctor)
N.  How tall are you?
N.  How much do you weigh?
N.  Where do you live?
N.  What's your address?
N.  What nationality are you?
N.  How many people are in your family?
N.  Who's taking care of you?
N.  Have you had any major surgeries before?
N.  Are you under any special medical treatment?
N.  Do you have health insurance?
N.  Who should I call in case of an emergency?
N.  What's his cell phone number?

1.  Play the guessing game describing a professional in the hospital.
2.  Listen to a job interview of a nurse and discuss about it.
3.  Learn the difference of Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.

Listening 2 - A Job Interview
I = interviewer, R = Rachel
I  OK Rachel, let's start the interview with a few questions.
   Your CV says that you're working at City Hospital. (CV = Curriculum Vitae - Resume and Cover letter)
R  Yes, in the operating theatres. (room)
I  Are you a fully-qualified scrub nurse?
R  Not yet.  At the moment I'm doing a part-time course and working at the same time.
    I'm preparing for the exams, which are next month.
    It's hard, especially when I'm working a night shift and going to lectures next day.
I  Tell us about your job.  What do you do every day?
R  Well, I assist the surgeons.  I prepare the instruments for surgery and I help with the operations.
I  What do you like best about being a scrub nurse?
R  Well, I like watching operations, but it's the contact with the patients that's most rewarding.
I  So, why are you applying for a new job?
R  Well I'm very happy in my job, but I want more responsibility.

Present Simple(현재 시제) - 일상 생활의 관한 일, 의무, 무선 일이나 항상 발생하는 일.
Present Continuous(현재진행형) - 지금 일어나는일, 지금 벌어지고 있는 일의 사용됩니다.

Pick out Present Simple and Present Continuous in the Listening 2, A Job Interview.

Read this student nurse's e-mail home to her friend.  Choose the correct verb forms.
Hi Ivana

I write/'m writing to say thank you for the birthday card, and to tell you how I get on/'m getting on.
The course is hard work, but I'm enjoying/enjoy it so far.  We usually have/are having classes every morning, but this week I'm working/work in Geriatrics all day.  It's interesting, although of course I want/'m wanting to work as a scrub nurse.

On the geriatric ward I'm making/make beds and checking/check patients' blood pressure and temperature.  I'm learning/learn a lot, and the experience is very useful.

I'm going out/go out most Saturday nights, but stay in and study on other days.  Tomorrow I go/'m going to a restaurant for my birthday!  I make/'m making a lot of friends, but I wish you were here too.  Write to me!

Maria Carmen

생일 카드를 주셔서 감사하다는 말을 전하기 위해 이 편지를 씁니다. 그리고 제가 어떻게 지내는 지 알려 주기위해
이 과정이 힘들지만 아직까지는 즐겁습니다. 매일 아침 수업이 있지만 이번 주에는 하루 종일 노인 병동에서 일하고 있습니다. 이 일은 흥미롭기는 하지만 저는 수술 간호사가 되고 싶습니다.
노인 병동에서 침대를 정리하고 환자의 혈압과 온도를 확인합니다. 저는 많은 걸 배우고 있으며 이런 경험은 저에게 매우 유용합니다.
저는 자주 토요일 밤에 외출을 하지만 다른 요일에는 집에서 공부를 합니다. 내일 제 생일을 위하여 식당에 갈 것입니다. 전 친구를 많이 사귀고 있기는 하지만 당신이 여기에 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 저에게 편지를 써 주세요.

Rossitza Bontcheva is nineteen years old. She's studying for a diploma in nursing at Vazov Nursing College. She has exams next month, so at the moment she's studying hard. She wants to be a nurse because she likes working with people and she's interested in science, but she really doesn't like doing paperwork.
She'd like to be a pediatric nurse because she really enjoys working with children. She's worked on a children's ward for three months as a work placement. One day, she hopes to work in a children's hospital in India, which she saw on television.
She's good at talking to people and making them feel comfortable, and she's very organized. In her free time she plays the guitar, and goes out dancing most weekends.

Rossitaza Bontcheva 는 19살입니다. 그녀는 Vazov 간호대학에서 간호학위를 위하여 공부하고 있습니다. 다음 달에 있는 시험을 위해 그녀는 매우 열심히 공부하고 있습니다. 그녀는 간호사가 되고 싶어 합니다. 이유는 그녀는 사람들과 일하는 것이 좋고 과학에 관심이 잇습니다. 하지만 서류작업은 싫어합니다.
그녀는 아이들과 함께 하는 것을 즐기고 소아과 간호사로 일을 하고 싶어 합니다. 그녀는 소아과 병동에서 3개월 동안 실습을 했습니다. 먼 훗날 그녀는 텔레비전에서 본 인도의 아동병원에서 일을 하고 싶어 합니다.
그녀는 사람들과 이야기를 잘 하고 사람을 편안하게 만들며, 정리를 아주 잘 합니다. 여가 시간에는 기타를 연주하고, 주말에는 자주 춤을 추러 갑니다.


One hundred and fifty years ago, nurses were unpaid, untrained, and unpopular, but then Florence Nightingale made nursing into a profession.  The methods she introduced in the 1850s were copied all over the world, and now nursing is a career with a three- or four-year training, qualifications, grades, unions, and pensions.
In Britain, every nurse is on a grade.  The grade depends on experience and skills, and each grade has different responsibilities and pay.  On the bottom grades are unqualified auxiliary nurses, who do the routine work on the hospital wards.  On the top grades are nursing officers, who are usually administrators.
Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom grades, but student nurses get the lowest pay.  However, students don't stay at the bottom of the pay scale forever.  When they qualify, they start working on a middle grade.  As they get experience, they can get promotion and move up the ranks to become staff nurse, then sister(charge nurse if a man), and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Many nurses work shifts, and often they work overtime to earn more money.  After basic training, many nurses choose to do further study and become specialists.
Nurses can specialize in many different fields - there are triage nurses working in Casualty, and psychiatric nurses who treat the mentally ill.  There are health visitors who visit patients in their own homes, practice nurses working in GP's surgeries, and midwives who deliver babies.
Many of them say they do not get enough pay and respect for work they do.  They say that the work is physically and mentally hard,  that they work long hours and get very tired.  But they also say that there are many great rewards which have nothing to do with money.

간호사 직업
150년 전, 간호사들은 무급으로 일을 했고, 정식 교육을 받지 않았으며, 그리고 인기도 없었지만, Florence Nightingale은 간호사를 전문 직업으로 만들었습니다.   그녀가 1850년대에 도입한 방법으로 전 세계가 채택했고, 이제는 3, 4년제 교육, 자격, 노동 조합 및 연금 제도가 있는 전문 직업이 되었습니다.

영국에서는 모든 간호사는 등급이 나누어져 있습니다.  등급은 경험과 기술에 따라, 책임과 급료가 나누어져 있습니다.  하위 등급은 자격이 부족한 보조 간호사가 일상적인 기초 기술을 병동에서 수행합니다.  최고 등급은 간호 부장으로 대부분 관리자입니다.

보조 간호사는 제일 등급이 낮지만 간호과 학생보다 월급을 더 많이 받습니다.  그러나 학생들의 임금은 항상 하단에 숙박하지 않습니다.  그들은 간호사로서 자격을 취득하면 중간 등급에서 일을 시작합니다.  그들이 경력을 쌓을때, 승진을 할수있으며, 간호사에서, 수간호사로, 그리고 아마도 결국 부장 간호사로 승진 할 수 있습니다.

많은 간호사들이 교대 근무를 하고, 종종 그들은 더 많은 돈을 벌기 위해 초과 근무를 하기도 합니다.  기초 수련 후, 많은 간호사들은 전문가가 되기위해 공부를 다시 합니다.  간호사는 다양한 분야에서 전문직으로 일을 할 수 있습니다.  응급파트 간호사로서는 사상자를 위한 일을  할 수 있고, 정신과 간호사는 정신병을 치료할 수 있습니다.  환자를 방문하는 보건 방문자로서,  실무 간호사로서  지역 보건의사의 수술을 도울 수도 있고, 조산사로서 아기를 분만할 수도 있다.

많은 간호사들이 충본한 월급을 받지 못하고 자기가 하는 일에관해 존경받지 않는다고 말한다.  그들은 자기의 일이 육체적으로나 정신적으로 매우 고달프고, 그리고 긴 시간 근무로인해 피곤하다고 말합니다.  그러나 그들은 돈과는 상관없이 큰 보람을 느낀다고도 합니다.

3.  Find words in the article with these meanings.
     pension(연금)           skills(능력, 기술)      further studies(공부를 더하다)      qualifications(자격)
     experience(경험)      basic training(기본 훈련)           pay scale(호봉)         overtime(초과[시간 외] 근무)

First Week

First tell me about yourself(introduction)
Add the following details.  First write.
1.  Name and age
2.  The school you attend and your major
3.  Where you live
4.  Your family relations
5.  Your hobbies and interest
6.  Your life dream.  What you would like to do when you graduate?

My name is Serena Kim.  I'm 19 years old.  I attend Kimcheon Science College and I'm majoring in nursing.
I live on campus while attending school but I go home to Seoul during the summer and the winter vacations.  There are 4 in my family.  My parents, my older brother and me.  My older brother is 3 years older than me and he will finish college next year.  I am an outgoing person and I enjoy hanging out with my friends. We often eat out and go to the movies.  I like watching action movies.  My lifelong dream is to be a nurse at a university hospital in Seoul.  The competition to get in is too high so I'll keep up with my grades and continue to improve in spoken English to be accepted.

Aches and Pains:  Common ways of expressing pain
ache - pain
1.  Have + (body part) + ache
                  stomach + ache     -   I have a stomachache.
                  head + ache          -   I have a headache.

2. (part) + feel(s) + sore   -  My feet feel sore.
                     be + sore    -  My feet are sore.

3.  (part) + hurt(s)   -  My head hurts.
                               - My stomach hurts.

4.  have + sore + (part)  -  I have a sore throat.

Nurse :  What's the matter?
Patient:   I have a sore throat.

Nurse:  What's the matter?
Patient:  I have a stuffy nose.

Try the simple dialogue
Tell me about your symptoms.
What symptoms do you have?
What are your symptoms?

Try this as well

What's your problem?
Where is the pain?
Where does it hurt?

When did you get the pain?
When did it start?
Did the pain come on slowly or suddenly? 통증이 서서히 왔나요, 갑자기 왔나요?
What kind of pain is it?   어떤 종류의 아픔입니까?
Have you had this before?    전에는 이런 증상이 있었습니까?

Have you noticed any other changes?  다른 변화를 느낀 적 있습니까?
Have you had any other illnesses?  앓고 계신 다른 질병이 있습니까?

Common cold symptoms (감기 조짐)
stuffy nose                         코막힘                                I have a stuffy nose.
runny nose                         콧물이 난다                      I have a runny nose. My nose is running.
sneezing                             재채기                               I am sneezing.
headache                          두통                                    I have a headache. I have a bad headache.
sore throat                        인후통                                I have a sore throat.
coughing                           기침                                    I am coughing.
loss of appetite                 식욕부진                            I have a loss of appetite.
watery eyes                     눈물이 난다                        I have watery eyes. My eyes are watery.
burning eyes                    눈이 따갑다                        I have burning eyes. My eyes are burning.
ear congestion                 귀가 멍멍한                        I have an ear congestion.
infection                          감염                                      I have an infection.
fever                               열이 난다                             I have a fever. I have a high fever.
aching muscles                근육통                                  I have aching muscles. My muscles are aching.
aching joints                    관절이 아프다                     I have aching joints. My joints are aching.

Dialogue 1 (roll play)
Nurse:  Good morning.  KimCheon Science University Hospital.  How may I help you.
Patient:  I'm not feeling well.
Nurse:  What seems to be the problem?
Patient:  I have a stuffy nose, headache, and a high fever.
Nurse:  Please wait a moment.  The doctor will see you soon.
            While, you wait for the doctor, I would like to check your blood pressure.
            Please take off your coat, roll up your sleeve on your right arm.
Nurse:  The doctor will see you now, Ms. Lee.  Go right in.
Doctor: Let see.  Take a deep breath.  Open your mouth wide.  Lets check your ears and nose.
             (after the evaluation)
             You have a cold.  I'll write you a prescription.  Take this once in the evening for 10 days.
             You will feel better soon.

Change to Dialogue for the patients with bronchitis(기관지염) and pneumonia(폐렴).
bronkhos - windpipe, throat
Symptoms for bronchitis
runny nose, fever, a dry cough, and possibly wheezing(쌕쌕거림)
wheezing - to breathe with difficulty, making noise in your throat and chest.

Symptoms for pneumonia
high fever, severe cough, and lethargy
Difficulty breathing, possible pain in the chest particulary upon breathing.

Dialogue 1
Isn't feeling well몸이 안 좋다.
Opening빈자리, 진료 약속이 되어 있지 않은 시간대
one at ... another at....하나는 ... 시에 그리고 또 하나는 ... 시에 있다.
I'll take the one at...그럼 저는 ... 시에 진료 반는 것으로 하겠습니다.
What seems to be the trouble?어디 아프신가요?

Receiptionist:    Good morning, Dr. Cho's office.
Mom:               My son isn't feeling well.
                        Do you have any opening today?
Receiptionist:    Yes, one at 11 A.M. and another at 2:30.
Mom:               I'll take the one at 11.
                       My name is Lee Jiwon.

                       Are you alright? 너 괜찮니?
                       I'm not feeling well. 몸이 안 좋아요.
                       There's one opening at two and one at four on Thursday.
                      목요일엔 2시에 하나, 4시에 하나가 비어 있네요.
                       hmm, I'll take the one at four.
                       그럼요... 우리는 4시 것으로 예약할게요.
                       That'll be after she comes home from school.
                      그때면 애가 학교에서 돌아온 후이니까요.

Dialogue 2
Receiptionist:    The doctor will see you now, Ms. Lee.
                        Go right in.
Doctor:            What seems to be the trouble?
Mom:               His throat hurts and he has a runny nose.
Doctor:             And he has a high fever, too.

                       What seems to be the problem?
                       My nose has been running for days.
                       My whole body aches and I have a fever, too.
                       Ok, open your mouth wide.

What is a stethoscope?              

For the night class
Introduction to Tuesday Night Class.
1.  Your name
2.  Where do you work?
3.  Where do you live?
4.  How long have you been a nurse?
5.  What kind of work do you do?  What are your duties?  What department do you work in?
6.  What field do you specialize in? (전문분야)
7.  What are some of the things you need to know about your patients at your job?
8.  What kind of patients do you deal with mostly?