Saturday, March 15, 2014

2. In and around the hospital

In and around the hospital

a.  ECG(Electrocardiography) - for monitoring the heart (심장을 모니터링하기위한)
b.  Microscope - for examining tissues, samples, etc., very closely
                          (세포조직, 샘플, 등, 매우 긴밀하게 실음하기위해)
c.  Blood Centrifuge - for separating substances by spinning them
   ( 혈액 원심 분리기 - 분리 물질을 회전하여)
d.  Scale - for weighing substances
                (무개를 측정 할수있다.)
e.  Exercise Machine - for building strength after injury
                                   (부상 후 힘을 키우기 위해)
f.  a bone plate - for fixing broken bone (부러진 뻐를 다시 부치기 위해)
g.  Dermabrader - for removing damaged skin (손상된 피부를 제거 하기위해)
h.  Dialysis Machine - for cleaning the blood when the kidneys don't work
     (투석 기계 - 콩팥이 작동하지 않는 경우 혈액을 청소하기위해)
i.  Neurological pinwheel - for testing for sensation in nerves
    (신경 바람개비 - 신경의 감각을위한 테스트)
j.  Pediatric spoon - a special spoon for children to grip
    (소아 스푼 - 그립에 어린이를위한 특별 스푼)
k.  A scalpel - a small, very sharp knife that is used by doctors in operations.
                      (수술을 수행하기위한 칼)
l.  x-ray machine - for taking a photo of bones
                            (뼈의 사진을 찍이위해)

Hospital departments
Which of the departments shown opposite
1. dispenses (to prepare and distribute) medicines? e. Pharmacy (etymology - medicine)
    (약을 나누어주다/준비해주고 배포하는대 )
2. treats(치료) kidney diseases? d. Renal Unit (Renal - of kidneys)
3. specializes in pregnancy and birth? k. Obstetrics (산과학) (Obstetrics - science of midwifery)
    (임신과 출산을 전문적으로 돌봐주는대)
4. studies illnesses and analyses samples? a. Pathology(병리학)(logy - study of disease)
    (질병을 연구하고 샘플을 분석한다)
5. treats diseases of the skin? i. Dermatology(study of skin)
6. performs operations on patients? l. Surgery(수술)
    (환자의 수술을 행하다.)
7. designs special exercises for patients? c. Physiotherapy
    (physio - natural, physical 
     therapy -medical treatment)
    (환자를위해 특별한 운동을 디자인 합니다.? 물리 치료)
8. studies blood disorders? j. Haematology
    (혈액 장애를 연구합니다.)
9. treats bones? f. Orthopaedics
    (뼈를 치료합니다.)
10. specializes in the heart? b. Cardiology
     (심장 전문? 나. 심장학)
11. deals with sick children? h. Paediatrics
12. treats disorders of the nervous system? g. Neurology
     (신경계의 장애를 취급합니다? 신경학)

Listening 1
P = physiotherapist, M = man
P:  Go out of here and the door you want is just opposite.
     Go in through the door and give your prescription to the man behind the counter.
M:  So it's just outside here?
P:  Yes, just across the corridor(hallway, 복도)

P = porter, M = man
P:  Go into the hospital through these swing doors.  Go along the corridor, take the first right,
     and it's the second door on your left.
M:  Through the swing doors, down the corridor, first right, second left.
P:  That's it.
M:  Thanks.

R = receptionist, V = visitor
R:  Go along this corridor and turn left at the end.  Go along the next corridor,
      take the second left and go all the way along that corridor.  The ward you want is right at the end,
      straight in front of you.
V:  Thank you.

Giving directions inside the hospital
- Go along this corridor
- Go along the next corridor
- Through the swing doors
- Go past the restaurant take stairs up to (go past -지나서)
- Go out of here
- Go into the hospital
- Take the first right
- Go across the corridor
- Go across the street
- second door on your left
-  Go all the way along that corridor
- It's straight in front of you.  It's right in front of you.


a word that is used before a noun, pronoun, or gerund to show place, time, direction etc. 
 명사, 대명사, 또는 동명사 앞에 사용되는 단어로, 장소, 시간, 방향 등을 표시 합니다.
   eg. In the phrase 'the trees in the park', 'in' is a preposition.
   Gerund - a noun in the form of the present participle(현재 분사) of a verb,
                  for example 'shopping' in the sentence  'I like shopping.'
                 동사의 현재 분사의 형태의 명사, 예를들어 '쇼핑'은 문장에서 'I like shopping' 으로 
                 동명사(동사에 -ing를 붙여 만든 명사. I preferred travelling alone에서 travelling 같은 것)
              ex.  I enjoy listening to music.
                    I like running.
                    I like hiking.
                    I'm interested in listening to music.
                    I'm good at treating people when they get sick.
- To describe the place where something is, we use preposition such as ( in, on, on top, 
   at the top/bottom of, inside/outside, near, next to, by, in front of, behind, opposite, under, over,
   at, on the left/ right)
 무언가가 있는 곳을 설명하기 위해, 우리는 ( )와 같은 전치사를 사용합니다.  
   eg.  The shop's near the entrance, on the right of reception.
          The toilet are at the bottom of the stairs, on the left.
- To talk about movement, we use prepositions such as( up, down, into, out of, away, from, to,
  through, across, along, past, back to, around, left/right.)
 움직임에 대해 이야기하기 위해, 우리는 ( )와 같은 전치사를 사용합니다.
  eg.  Go through the swing doors, turn left along the corridor, and the coffee bar's in front of you.
- Prepositions of movement are used with verbs of movement such as (go, come, take, push, carry.)
 움직임를 나타내는 전치사는 ( )와 같은 동사와 함께 사용합니다.
  eg.  Can you take these files back to the office, please?
         To get from here to surgery, you have to wheel the trolley through three wards.

AROUND = in a circular direction

I've driven around this neighborhood three times and I still can’t find their house.

AT = in the (general) direction of (..에서)

The little boy threw a stone at the little girl.

AWAY FROM = leaving a place, a person or an object

She ran away from home when she was sixteen.

DOWN = descending motion

Raindrops ran down the windscreen making it difficult to see the road.

DOWN TO = descending motion expressing a final destination

The child fell down to the ground.

FOR = having the view or destination of

The Israelites set out for The Promised Land when they left Egypt.
그들이 이집트를 떠날 때 이스라엘 백성은 약속의 땅을 위해 밖으로 설정합니다.

INTO= a destination within something

The frightened deer disappeared into the forest.

ONTO= a destination on something

He put the plate onto the table and began to eat his dinner.
OUT OF = a destination outside of something

He ran out of the room as if he were on fire.

TO = in the specific direction of

To the hospital, please. And hurry! This is an emergency.
Could you give this DVD to Jill, please?

TOWARDS = in the general direction of

We were driving towards the city center when we had an accident.

UP = ascending, in a general motion

The smoke from the fire went up into the sky.

UP TO = ascending, expressing specific destination

You'll be able to reach the cat if you climb up to the top of the tree.

** Special Note ** 

When you shout at someone. (You are angry)
When you shout to someone. (You want to attract their attention.)

You throw the ball at someone. (You want to hit them with the ball.)
You throw the ball to someone. (You want them to have it, you give it to them.)

Picture A

Picture B

In picture A                                                                    In picture B
There is a jug and a bowl on the bedside cabinet.               There is a glass and a bowl on the bedside
The handle is on the patient's right.                                   The handle is on the patient's left.
The cabinet is closed.                                                       The cabinet is open.
The wall lamp is switched on.                                            The wall lamp is switched off.
There is a jug on the floor.                                                 There is a pot on the floor.
The wheelchair is folded up.                                             The wheelchair is opened out.
The curtain is fully drawn across.                                      The curtain is half drawn across.
There is medication on the top shelf of the trolley.             There are sheets on the top shelf of the trolley.
There are syringes and bandages on the bottom shelf        There are syringes and scissors on the bottom
of the trolley.                                                                      of the trolley.
The nurse is taking the patient's blood pressure.                 The nurse is taking the patient's temperature.
The nurse is wearing a fob watch.                                      The nurse isn't wearing a fob watch.                                                                              The crutches are leaning against the bedside cabinet.

specimen - a sample of blood, urine, tissue, etc. collected for lab analysis.

Play another guessing game of describing and explaining medical equipments and different departments in the hospital. 

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