1. intellectual impairment/confusion (지적 손상/혼돈)
- a condition in which a part of a person's mind or body is damaged
or doesn't work well
(사람의 마음이나 몸이 손상되거나 잘 작동이 되지 않는 상태).
- eg. deafness and muscle weakness (귀가 멀어짐, 근육의 쇄약).
2. immobility (부동)
- unable to move or walk normally (정상적으로 움직이거나 걸을수가 없음).
3. instability (불안정)
- mental problems that are likely to cause sudden changes of behavior.
(행동의 갑작스런 변화를 일으킬 가능성이 큰 정신적 인 문제.)
- eg. inattentive, with disorganized thought and speech, and disturbed
behavior (부주의한, 정돈,정리되지 않은 생각과 말, 그리고 산만한 행동).
4. incontinence (실금)
- unable to control the passing of liquid or solid waste from your body.
(소변이나 대변이 무의식, 또는 불수의로 배출되는 상태)
Scrub up
1. Think of an elderly person you know well like your grandparents or neighbors and how ageing has affected them. Think about the answers to these questions. Then talk to your partner about the person.
너의 조부모나 이웃의 노인들 같이 네가 잘아는 노인들에게 노화가 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 생각해봐라.
-What daily tasks does he/she need help with (어떤 일상적인 작업에 그들은 도움이
- How does he/she keep mentally fit (어떻게 그들이 정신적으로 적합하게 유지하나)?
- How does he/she keep physically fit (어떻게 육체적으로 적합하게 유지하나)?
- What worries him/her (무엇이 그들을 걱정하게 하는가)?
- How happy is he/she (얼마나 행복해 하나)?
- How healthy is he/she (그들은 얼마나 건강한가)?
2. Discuss what special difficulties are faced by elderly patients and the staff who are caring for them (노인 환자와 그 환자들을 돌보는 이들이 직면한 특수한 어려움에 관해 논의하라).
Use the words below to help you, and write sentences.
e.g. They may have more side effects from drugs.
(환자들은 약물로 인한 부작용을 더 겪을 수 있다.)
medication - less able to tolerate medication, may find it difficult
to follow regime (or regimen = 식이 요법).
(약물에 대해 견디는 능력이 떨어질 수 있으며 식이요법을
따르는 데에 어려움을 겪을 수 있다.)
getting around - may need help (거동)
diagnosis - more complex, may suffer from a whole series
of conditions which affect each other.
(진단 - 더욱 복잡하며 각각의 증상에 영향을 주는 모든 일련의
증상들로 인해 고통받을 수 있다.)
daily tasks - more likely to need help, for example with feeding,
washing, toileting, dressing,etc..
(일상 생활 - 예를 들어 식사, 씻기, 배변, 옷입기 등에서 도움을 필요로
할 수 있다.)
home - may not receive the care they need.
(가정 - 환자들이 필요로 하는 치료를 받지 못할 수 있다.)
attitude of staff - staff may be patronizing, symptoms can be
dismissed as related to ageing, and not fully investigated,
younger patients may be given priority for treatment.
(병원 관계자의 태도 - 관계자는 증상들을 나이에 기인한 것으로 여겨
놓치거나 충분히 조사하지 않는 등 무시할 수 있으며
젊은 환자들의 치료를 우선할 수 있다.)
food - may lack the appetite to take in the nutrition they need,
may have difficulty feeding themselves.
(음식 - 그들이 필요로 하는 영양분을 섭취하기 위한 식욕이 저하될 수 있으며
혼자 힘으로 식사하는 데 어려움을 느낄 수 있다.)
recovery - generally slower, may not be able to follow treatment,
for example medication, physiotherapy.
(회복 - 일반적으로 더 느리며 약물, 물리치료와 같은 치료법을 다 수행하지
못할 수 있다.)
mind - may find it hard to understand what's wrong, what decision
to make (for example, whether or not to have surgery, go home,
etc.), more likely to suffer from loneliness and depression.
(심리적 상태 - 무엇이 잘못되었는지 이해하거나 어떤 결정(예를 들어 수술을
해야할지 말아야 할지, 퇴원해야 할지 등)을 내려야 하는지에
대해 어려움을 겪을 수 있으며 외로움과 우울함에 시달리기 쉽다.)
complications - more likely to suffer from these, and they can have
a worse effect, also more likely to suffer pressure sores
(bed sores = 욕창).
(합병증 - 위의 사항들로 고통받기 쉽고 악화될 수도 있으며 또한 욕창으로
고생할 수 있다.)
stimulation - something interesting or exciting that makes you more active or alert.
1. Discuss the questions with a partner.
- Would you like to live in a care home when you are old? Why/ Why not?
- In your notebook, make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of
care homes.
eg. You always have company(당신은 항상 동반자가 있음). (advantage)
You don't live with your family(가족하고 같이 살지 않음). (disadvantage)
- around the clock supervision, expert on-site medical care, and
individualized help with daily needs.
(24시간 연속의 관리, 전문가 현장의 의료, 각 개인이 매일 필요할때 도움)
- Elderly people often need a more structured environment
as they grow older.
그들은 나이가 증가함에 따라 노인들은 더 구조화 된 환경이 필요합니다.
This is especially true if they are mentally or physically disabled
because it helps them lead a more normal and happy life.
(왜냐하면 노인들이 정신적으로나 육체적으로 약할 때 구조화
된 환경이 그들을 더 행복한 삶으로 이끌 수 있기 때문입니다.)
Furthermore, elderly people also tend to be more distracted by
changes to their environment.
(게다가, 노인들은 환경적인 변화로 인해 더욱 산만해지는 경향이 있습니다.)
That's why they try to set up a daily schedule that helps their
residents lead a normal life.
(그렇기 때문에 요양원은 노인들을 일상 생활을 할 수 있도록 돕는
스케줄을 짜기 위해 노력합니다.)
This structured schedule includes set meal time,
scheduled activity times and other repetitive activities.
(구조화된 스케줄은 정해진 식사 시간, 활동시간, 다른 반복적인
활동들의 시간 설정을 포함합니다.)
- allows chance to remain as independent as possible
so that the elderly can still do most of the things they enjoy
doing to the fullest.
(요양원은 가능한 거주자들이 독립적으로, 스스로 활동
하도록 허락합니다. 노인들이 여전히 대부분 그들이 활동 했던
것들을 할 수 있습니다.)
- Many of us have elderly loved ones that need more help than
what we can provide by ourselves.
(노인들은 우리가 제공하는 것보다 더 많은 도움이 필요합니다.)
This is true because many of us have jobs and other responsibilities
that make it difficult for people to take care of an elderly loved one
who needs help with daily activities.
(우리 중 많은 사람들이 일자리와 다른 책임을 가지고 있기 때문에
노인들이 일상생활을 할 수 있도록 돕는 것은 어려운 것이 사실입니다.)
As a result, retirement homes also provide several care options
for families who need extra help helping their elderly loved ones.
(그 결과, 요양원은 또한 노인들을 돕기 위한 가족들을 위해 몇가지
옵션을 제공합니다.)
These benefits can make a huge difference for the elderly person
to enjoy their lives more.
(이러한 혜택은 노인들이 그들의 삶을 더 즐길 수 있도록 큰 차이를
- Paying for a retirement home's services can be difficult for
many people because most insurance policies and
Medical coverage plans generally deny covering
the cost of living in a retirement home (high monthly fees).
(많은 사람들에게 요양원 비용을 지불하는 것은 어려울 수
있습니다. 왜냐하면 대부분의 보험정책과 의료보험 계획은
일반적으로 요양원 비용을 커버하지 않기 때문입니다.)
- Many elderly people and their families have problems finding
retirement homes that provide top quality care because
many retirement homes have difficulty finding qualified staff
who can work with elderly people.
(많은 노인들과 그들의 가족들은 최상의 질을 제공하는 요양원을
찾는데 어려움을 겪습니다. 왜냐하면 많은 요양원들이 노인들을
돌보는 데 자질을 갖춘 직원들을 구하기 힘들기 때문입니다.)
Besides, it's hard to find the staff members who are willing
to work with client's families to resolve concerns and answer
consumer's questions about their services. These problems
can make it very frustrating.
(게다가, 노인의 가족들에게 요양원의 서비스에 대한 질문에
답변을 하고 그들의 걱정을 해결하는 일을 해야하는 직원들을
찾기가 어렵습니다.)
- Many people also forget that some elderly people have trouble
living in a retirement home.
(또한 많은 사람들은 노인들이 요양원에서 사는데 어려움을
겪는다는 것을 잊습니다.)
For example, some elderly people are so independent that
they have a hard time accepting help from others.
(예를 들어, 몇몇 노인들은 너무 독립적이어서 그들을 돕기 위한
구조화된 시간을 받아들이기 힘들어 합니다.)
Others have hard time getting along with certain staff members
because of personality differences.
(또 몇몇 노인들은 성격의 차이로 인해 특정 직원들과 어울리는
것을 힘들어 합니다.)
These problems make it hard for them to live in some
living situations.
(이러한 문제들은 노인들을 같이 살아야 하는 환경에서 사는 것을
힘들게 합니다.)
2. Listen to two elderly people in a care home talking. Do they mention any of the points in your list?
3. Listen again and tick the things that Edith mentions.
Listening 1 – A care home
E=Edith, B=Betty
E … and that nurse – Barbara– I don’t like her.
그리고 그 바바라라는 간호사, 난 그 여자가 싫어.
그리고 그 바바라라는 간호사, 난 그 여자가 싫어.
B Sssh, Edith, she’ll hear you!
쉬이, 이디쓰, 그 여자한테 들리겠어!
쉬이, 이디쓰, 그 여자한테 들리겠어!
E I don’t care if she hears me, Betty.
베티, 듣든말든 알게 뭐야.
She speaks to me like a child –
그 여자 나한테 어린애한테 하듯 말해.
‘That’s a lovely jumper you’re wearing, Edith. Don’t you look pretty!’
'에디쓰, 예쁜 점퍼 입었네. 정말 예뻐!'
She should call me ‘Mrs Taylor’, thank you very much!
그 여자는 나한테 '테일러씨' 라고 해야해.
No respect, you see!
보다시피 전혀 존중을 안 해줘.
And she comes into my room without knocking.
게다가 그 여자는 내 방에 들어올 때 노크도 안 해.
You’ve got no privacy, no self-respect.
프라이버시도 없고 환자에 대한 존중도 없어.
베티, 듣든말든 알게 뭐야.
She speaks to me like a child –
그 여자 나한테 어린애한테 하듯 말해.
‘That’s a lovely jumper you’re wearing, Edith. Don’t you look pretty!’
'에디쓰, 예쁜 점퍼 입었네. 정말 예뻐!'
She should call me ‘Mrs Taylor’, thank you very much!
그 여자는 나한테 '테일러씨' 라고 해야해.
No respect, you see!
보다시피 전혀 존중을 안 해줘.
And she comes into my room without knocking.
게다가 그 여자는 내 방에 들어올 때 노크도 안 해.
You’ve got no privacy, no self-respect.
프라이버시도 없고 환자에 대한 존중도 없어.
B Oh, cheer up. Let’s go over and play some bingo.
에고, 기운 내. 나가서 빙고게임이라도 하자.
에고, 기운 내. 나가서 빙고게임이라도 하자.
E Bingo? I’m not interested in playing bingo with a group of old ladies!
빙고게임? 늙은 아주머니들이랑 빙고할 마음 없어!
It’s not very stimulating, is it!
하나도 재미없어, 그렇잖아!
They’re all so slow because they’ve got nothing to keep their minds busy,
and their medication slows them up some more.
바쁘게 생각할 필요가 없으니 다들 얼마나 느린지 몰라. 게다가 약을 복용하니
더 느려지더라고.
They just sit in front of the television all day.
다들 그냥 하루종일 TV앞에만 앉아있어.
빙고게임? 늙은 아주머니들이랑 빙고할 마음 없어!
It’s not very stimulating, is it!
하나도 재미없어, 그렇잖아!
They’re all so slow because they’ve got nothing to keep their minds busy,
and their medication slows them up some more.
바쁘게 생각할 필요가 없으니 다들 얼마나 느린지 몰라. 게다가 약을 복용하니
더 느려지더라고.
They just sit in front of the television all day.
다들 그냥 하루종일 TV앞에만 앉아있어.
B Are you coming on the trip to the seaside next week?
다음주 바닷가로 놀러가는 거 너도 갈거야?
다음주 바닷가로 놀러가는 거 너도 갈거야?
E No, I don’t like coach trips. I just want to go home.
아니, 버스 여행은 별로야. 난 그냥 집에 가고 싶어.
I miss my independence. I miss my kitchen.
나 혼자 생활하던 게 그리워. 내 부엌에서 요리하던 게 그리워.
And that’s another thing – I don’t like the food here.
그리고 또 하나 말하자면 여기 음식 마음에 안 들어.
아니, 버스 여행은 별로야. 난 그냥 집에 가고 싶어.
I miss my independence. I miss my kitchen.
나 혼자 생활하던 게 그리워. 내 부엌에서 요리하던 게 그리워.
And that’s another thing – I don’t like the food here.
그리고 또 하나 말하자면 여기 음식 마음에 안 들어.
B Yes, but we don't have to cook or do the washing ourselves.
그건 그렇지만 요리도 다 해야되고 빨래도 다 해야되잖아.
I like this care home. It’s clean.
난 이 요양원이 마음에 들어. 깨끗하고.
The staff are very professional, and it’s nice to know there’s someone near
in an emergency. And there’s always someone to talk to. I’m never lonely.
일하는 사람들은 다들 이 분야 전문가고 응급상황이 생겼을 때 누군가가 가까이그건 그렇지만 요리도 다 해야되고 빨래도 다 해야되잖아.
I like this care home. It’s clean.
난 이 요양원이 마음에 들어. 깨끗하고.
The staff are very professional, and it’s nice to know there’s someone near
in an emergency. And there’s always someone to talk to. I’m never lonely.
있다는 건 좋잖아. 그리고 항상 이야기할 사람도 있고. 안 외롭더라고.
E Well, I don’t want some young nurse telling me what I can and cannot do.
글쎄, 난 나한테 이래라 저래라하는 젊은 간호사는 필요없어.
I want children around me. It’s not natural living like this – everybody here is old!
글쎄, 난 나한테 이래라 저래라하는 젊은 간호사는 필요없어.
I want children around me. It’s not natural living like this – everybody here is old!
난 가까이에 아이들이 있으면 좋겠어. 여기처럼 나이든 사람들만 모여사는 건
자연스럽지 못해.
자연스럽지 못해.
neuron - a type of cell that receives and sends electrical messages between the brain and the body. (신경 단위)
1. Write your name as fast as you can with your right hand, then do the same with your left hand.
Was one easier? Does it look better? Discuss the reason why with a partner.
Old age and the brain 노령 과 뇌
If you hold a pen in your 'wrong' hand, writing becomes uncomfortable and
difficult. But keep doing it and you will get better at it - you learn.
This is because connections between neurons in your brain get stronger,
and your brain grows.
펜을 잘못된 손에 들고 있다면, 쓰기가 불편하고 어렵게 된다. 하지만 그렇게
계속하다보면 잘 쓸수 있게 된다. 배우는 것이다. 이것은 뇌의 뉴론들의 연결이
강해지고 뇌가 성장하기 때문이다.
In our early years our brain grow very fast as we learn language, writing, numbers,
music, and how to coordinate movement. By the time we are teenagers,
each neuron in our brain has connected to tens of thousands of other neurons,
and every time we have a new thought or memory, our brains make new connections.
Just as muscles get stronger by using them, the brain develops when it is stimulated. Without stimulation, it gradually dies.
우리는 어릴때 언어, 쓰기, 숫자, 음악을 배우고 어떻게 움직임을 조정하는가를
배우면서 우리의 뇌는 굉장히 빨리 성장한다. 청소년기가 될때 뇌에 있는 각각의
뉴론은 수천 수만개의 다른 뉴론과 연결 되고 매번 우리가 새로운 생각 또는 기억을
할때마다 우리의 뇌는 새로운 연결을 만든다. 근육을 사용하므로써 강해지는 것 처럼
뇌도 자극이 될때 발전한다. 자극이 없이는 뇌는 점차적으로 죽게된다.
A healthy brain does not lose huge number of brain cells as it ages. It continues to rewire itself and grow new neurons. However, degenerative brain diseases are very common in old age, and so we associate ageing with diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
건강한 뇌는 나이가 들면서 거대한 숫자의 뇌 세포를 잃지는 않는다. 계속 자가복원을
하며 새로운 뇌세포들을 성장시킨다. 하지만, 퇴행성 뇌 질환들은 노인연령에 매우
흔하고 그래서 알즈하이머 같은 질병에 연루된다.
Even though these disease are very common in the elderly, it is a mistake to think
that old age automatically equals mental decline. When elderly people who do not
have Alzheimer's disease suffer age-related loses of memory and motor skills,
it is often not because of ageing, but because of inactivity and lack of mental stimulation.
노인들에게 이러한 질병들이 매우 흔할지라도, 노령이 자동적으로 정신쇠퇴 라고
생각하는것은 실수다. 알즈하이머를 앓지않는 노인들이 노령과 연관된 기억력과
운동기능의 상실로 고통받을때 종종 그것은 노화때문이 아니고 활동부족과 정신적
자극의 결여 때문이다.
2. Read the article, and decide if these sentences are true or false.
3. Find words in the text with these meanings.
4. Try these brain exercises. Do you know any others?
- Name the colors of the following words as fast as you can. Don't read the words
but say what color they are.
- Read a page of writing upside-down.
Signs and symptoms
Alz‧heim‧er's dis‧ease also Alzheimer's [uncountable]
an illness that affects the brain and memory, and makes you gradually lose the ability to think and behave normally
- demages the brain, destroying memory and reason. People with Alzheimer's
disease suffer confusion and loss of cognitive(knowing, understanding, and
learning) functions. They need more and more nursing care as they become
progressively(gradually) more helpless, and finally die.
ADLs - Activities of Daily Living. These include eating, bathing, dressing,
toileting, and walking. A person's ability to perform these activities
without help is used when assessing how much care they need.
1. Discuss with a partner what you know about Alzheimer's disease.
How does it afffect the following things?
- the memory (Destroys memory and reason. They forget names.
They could have complete loss of memory. They might not recognize familiar
people, objects, or places. They might get confused with night and day.)
- walking (Gradually makes them difficult to walk. They might have shuffling gait.)
- behavior (Gradually makes them difficult to move, it makes them confused,
they can't understand people and they become helpless.
They wander around. They loose interest in other people.
They can act strange to people. They could get easily upset or
- daily life (They become helpless. They can be confined to bed or wheelchair)
- speech (They repeat what they say over and over again. They might have
difficulty swallowing. They have loss of speech.)
2. Read the text. Which effects did you mention?
3. Decide if each symptom is more connected with movement(M), thought(T), or behavior(B).
Then compare your ideas with your partner.
Language spot
We use will
- to talk about future facts.
우리는 미래의 사실에 대해 이야기할때 will를 사용합니다.
- to make predictions and express hopes about the future. We often use words
such as I think...,
I hope..., and probably when we do this.
우리는 미래에 대한 예측과 희망을 표현하기 위해 will를 사용합니다.
우리는 종종 내 생각..., 희망..., 그리고 아마도... 할때 will를 사용합니다.
- when we decide what to do, have, etc.
우리가 할 일을 결정했을 때 등 will를 사용합니다.
- to make offers, requests, and promises. We can also use Shall I ...? for offers.
우리는 제안, 요청, 그리고 약속을 할때 will를 사용합니다.
우리는 또한 제한을 할때 Shall I를 사용할 수 있습니다.
A Will you pass me my glasses? Then I’ll be able to see the television.
TV 보게 내 안경좀 건네 주실래요?
TV 보게 내 안경좀 건네 주실래요?
B Here you are. 여기 있어요.
A Thanks. Oh and will you do me another favour?
고마워요, 어.. 그리고 또한가지 부탁좀 들어 즐래요?
고마워요, 어.. 그리고 또한가지 부탁좀 들어 즐래요?
B What now? 또 뭐요?
A Will you help me stand up? I want to switch it on.
나 일어서게 도와줄래요? 그것을 켜고 싶어요.
나 일어서게 도와줄래요? 그것을 켜고 싶어요.
B You’ll probably fall over. I’ll do it. 당신은 아마도 넘어질거요. 내가 할께요.
A Thank you. I won’t trouble you again. 고마워요. 다시 귀챦게 하지 않을께요.
Go to Grammer reference p.119
a future fact(F), a prediction(P), or a decision you're making(D).
2. Complete this dialogue of offers and requests. Use 'll, will, or won't and
one of the verbs below.
3. Listen and check. Then practice the dialogue with your partner.
4. How do you imagine yourself at 75 years old? Discuss it with your partner.
Talk about these topics.
geriatrics - the medical care of old people (노인 의료).
gerontology - the scientific study of old age and ageing (노령와 노화의 과학적 연구).
incontinent - unable to control the passing of liquid or solid waste from your body.
몸에서 생산되는 노폐물-소변, 대변을 조절할 수없는 상태.
Problems and aids
1. Work in pairs. Match the adjectives with the cases. Say the adjectives as you do the exercise.
The stressed part of each word is in bold.
2. Match each vocabulary item with a picture.
3. Work in pairs. Take turns to choose a vocabulary item from above and explain
what it is used for.
The other student must guess the item.
hearing aid [countable]
walking stick [countable]
[plural]Pressure pad
- jarring - to shake or hit something in a way that damages it or makes it loose.
incontinence pad
- a small impermeable(not allowing liquids or gases to pass through)
multi-layered sheet with high absorbency that is used in the health-care industry.
Bath Lift
- a piece of equipment that fits inside the bath and used by the elderly and handicapped
person to make them more comfortable and able to wash their body in the bath tub.
Power chair
- A chair mounted on large wheels for the use of a sick or disabled person. A wheelchair.
Helping Hand
- The clips are used to hold a light piece in place.
false teeth
- dentures
artificial hip(prosthetic hip)
- Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic(artificial) implant.
walking frame
- a metal frame on wheels that old or sick people use to help them walk.
- a piece of furniture shaped like a chair that can be used as a toilet.
3. Work in pairs. Take turns to choose a vocabulary item from above and explain what it is used for.
The other student must guess the item.
Listening 2 – Assessing a patient
N=nurse, D=daughter of elderly patient
N Your mum’s going to be fine. There are no bones broken.
어머니는 괜찮으실 거에요. 뼈가 부러진 데는 없으세요.
어머니는 괜찮으실 거에요. 뼈가 부러진 데는 없으세요.
D Oh, that’s good news. I was worried, because she’s a bit frail.
아, 좋은 소식이네요. 어머니가 노쇠하셔서 걱정했어요.
아, 좋은 소식이네요. 어머니가 노쇠하셔서 걱정했어요.
N Is that the first time she’s had a fall?
어머니가 넘어지신 게 이번이 처음인가요?
어머니가 넘어지신 게 이번이 처음인가요?
D Yes, it is.
네, 맞아요.
네, 맞아요.
N I am doing an assessment of her, so I’ve got some questions.
Can you help me with them?
어머니 상태를 파악하기 위해 질문을 좀 할게요. 도와주실 수 있나요?
Can you help me with them?
어머니 상태를 파악하기 위해 질문을 좀 할게요. 도와주실 수 있나요?
D Of course, go ahead.
물론이에요. 말씀하세요.
물론이에요. 말씀하세요.
N Right. Number one. How’s your mother’s hearing? Does she wear a hearing aid?
좋아요. 첫째, 어머니 청력은 어떠신가요? 보청기 끼시나요?
좋아요. 첫째, 어머니 청력은 어떠신가요? 보청기 끼시나요?
D Yes, she is very deaf. Without her hearing aid she hears nothing at all.
네, 거의 안 들리세요. 보청기없이는 아무것도 못 들으세요.
N OK. Can she see OK?
네, 알겠습니다. 시력은 어떠세요?
네, 거의 안 들리세요. 보청기없이는 아무것도 못 들으세요.
N OK. Can she see OK?
네, 알겠습니다. 시력은 어떠세요?
D With glasses, yes – very well for her age.
안경 끼시고는 잘 보세요. 연세에 비해 아주 좋으시죠.
안경 끼시고는 잘 보세요. 연세에 비해 아주 좋으시죠.
N Right. Mobility? Are her movements very restricted?
그렇군요. 거동은 어떠시죠? 많이 불편하신가요?
그렇군요. 거동은 어떠시죠? 많이 불편하신가요?
D Well, she needs help getting dressed and getting in and out of the bath.
그렇죠, 어머니는 옷 입거나 목욕하시는 데 도움이 필요하세요.
She has a walking stick and she’s very independent. But some days she gets
dizzy and can be unsteady on her feet. She uses a scooter for shopping.
지팡이를 사용하시고 굉장히 독립적이세요. 하지만, 어떤날은 서있을때 어지럽고
불안정하고 그래요. 쇼핑가실땐 전동의자를 사용하세요.
그렇죠, 어머니는 옷 입거나 목욕하시는 데 도움이 필요하세요.
She has a walking stick and she’s very independent. But some days she gets
dizzy and can be unsteady on her feet. She uses a scooter for shopping.
지팡이를 사용하시고 굉장히 독립적이세요. 하지만, 어떤날은 서있을때 어지럽고
불안정하고 그래요. 쇼핑가실땐 전동의자를 사용하세요.
N The next question is about sleeping habits. Does she have any sleep disorders?
다음 질문은 수면습관에 관한건데. 어머니에게 어떤 수면장애가 있나요?
다음 질문은 수면습관에 관한건데. 어머니에게 어떤 수면장애가 있나요?
D She has a lot of problems. She often wakes up in the middle of the night.
Sometimes she can’t sleep at all. She takes sleeping pills, and of course
she has a nap every now and then during the day.
문제가 많아요. 어머닌 한밤중에 자주 깨시고, 때로는 전혀 잠을 이루지 못하세요.
수면제를 드시죠, 그리고, 물론 낮에는 낮잠도 때때로 주무시구요.
Sometimes she can’t sleep at all. She takes sleeping pills, and of course
she has a nap every now and then during the day.
문제가 많아요. 어머닌 한밤중에 자주 깨시고, 때로는 전혀 잠을 이루지 못하세요.
수면제를 드시죠, 그리고, 물론 낮에는 낮잠도 때때로 주무시구요.
N OK. Any problems eating? Can your mother feed herself?
네, 드시느데는 어떤문제가 있나요? 혼자 드실수 있으세요?
네, 드시느데는 어떤문제가 있나요? 혼자 드실수 있으세요?
D Oh yes, she’s fine at the table. 네, 식탁에선 잘 하세요.
N Right. Continence is next. Does she ever wet herself?
그래요, 다음은 배뇨에 관한건데, 어머니가 소변을 옷에 싸신적이 있나요?
그래요, 다음은 배뇨에 관한건데, 어머니가 소변을 옷에 싸신적이 있나요?
D Well that happens quite often. Probably because she doesn’t like using
a bedpan and she can’t get to the bathroom. We have to make sure
she has an incontinence pad.
네, 자주 있어요. 아마도 어머닌 화장실에 갈수가 없고 배드팬 사용은 싫어하셔서
그런거 같아요.
a bedpan and she can’t get to the bathroom. We have to make sure
she has an incontinence pad.
네, 자주 있어요. 아마도 어머닌 화장실에 갈수가 없고 배드팬 사용은 싫어하셔서
그런거 같아요.
N Does she ever show signs of confusion? 어머니가 어떤 혼돈증상을 보이신적은
D Occasionally, yes. Sometimes she thinks I’m her sister. Last night I heard
someone moving around downstairs, and when I went down, I found Mum in
the kitchen. She didn’t know where she was. We laughed about it afterwards.
네, 가끔 있어요, 어떤때 어머니는 저를 자기 동생이라고 생각해요. 지난 밤에는
제가 일층에서 누가 돌아다니는 소리가나서 내려가 보니까 어머니가 부엌에 계시더군요. 어머닌 자시이 어디에 계신지 모르시더라구요. 나중에 웃어 버렸지만.
someone moving around downstairs, and when I went down, I found Mum in
the kitchen. She didn’t know where she was. We laughed about it afterwards.
네, 가끔 있어요, 어떤때 어머니는 저를 자기 동생이라고 생각해요. 지난 밤에는
제가 일층에서 누가 돌아다니는 소리가나서 내려가 보니까 어머니가 부엌에 계시더군요. 어머닌 자시이 어디에 계신지 모르시더라구요. 나중에 웃어 버렸지만.
N Does this often happen? 그런 상황이 자주 일어나나요?
D No. Very rarely. 아니요, 아주 가끔 있어요.
dizzy - feeling that everything is spinning round; unable to balance.
restricted movement - inability to move around freely.
Assessing a patient
1. An elderly patient is admitted to hospital after a fall. Listen as a nurse talks to the patient's daughter,
and complete the table.
deafness *** very deaf, hearing aid
loss of sight o/* good eyesight for her age, glasses
restricted movement ** uses a walking stick, sometimes dizzy and
sleep disorders *** often wakes, sometimes can't sleep,
sleeping pills, naps during the day
problems feeding self o fine
incontinence ** doesn't like bedpan, can't get to bathroom,
needs pad
signs of confusion * confuses people and places
2. Listen again and make notes.
1. An elderly patient who you are nursing is going to be transferred from your ward
to a care home. With a partner, invent details about the patient and make notes.
Include details about these topics.
- state of health - hearing and sight
- medication - mental state
- other treatment - mobility
- help needed - personality
2. Now work with a different partner to exchange information.
Student A - You are the patient's nurse. Tell Student B, a hospital transfer
specialist, about your patient.
Student B - You are the hospital transfer specialist. Find out as many details
as possible about the patient, and make notes.
3. Now change roles.
Letter of introduction to a care home
You are a hospital transfer specialist. Using the notes you made when listening of the patient's nurse
in the Speaking exercise, write a letter of introduction to the care home.
Students exchange their letters with a partner, who checks it for mistakes and hands it back for correction.
Hand in the letter to Prof. Serena Kim.
Body bits
The effects of ageing
Before students do the exercise, get them to talk about what happens to the body when we age,
Starting with the hair and moving down the body. Write useful vocabulary on the board.
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