period 시기, 기간, 시대, 월경기간 (menstrual period)
pregnancy test kit 자가 임신진단기
drowsy 졸린
morning sickness 입덧
nauseous 메스꺼운 (오심 = nausea)
pelvic exam 자궁 검사
stirrup 등자, 산부인과 검사대의 발걸이
relax 편안히 계세요.
pap smear 자궁경부암검사
due date 만기일, 분만예정일
trimester 3 개얼의 기간(임신 기간을 3개월씩 나눌 때의)
trimester 3 개얼의 기간(임신 기간을 3개월씩 나눌 때의)
Dialogue 1
N: Hello. What can I do for you?
P: Hello. I just found out that I'm pregnant so I want to confirm it(확인하고 싶다) .
N: All right. Have a seat. You need to fill out some forms
and I need to ask you a few questions.
P: O.K.
N: When was your last period?
P: About seven weeks ago.
N: And how did you find out you're pregnant?
P: I tried the pregnancy test kit from the drugstore and the result was positive.
Dialogue 2
N: Now. Any unusual symptoms?
P: I've been feeling drowsy and tired lately, and I find myself losing appetite.
N: Any morning sickness? Do you feel nauseous in the morning?
P: No. Not really. I just don't feel like eating.
N: Please wait here. The doctor will be right with you.
Dialogue 3
(At the examining room)
N: The doctor will give you a pelvic exam.
Please get ready. Remove your underwear
and put the skirt in the basket for the exam.
P: All right.
N: Now please lie on the examining bed and put your feet on the stirrup.
The doctor is here now.
D: Hi. I'm Doctor Kim. I'll examine you with ultrasound.
Do not tense up. Relax.
P: Wheoo! I'll try.
D: When was the last time you had a pap smear?
P: A few months ago. I get a regular check-up.
D: Good! Now, when was your last period?
P: I'm a few weeks late.
D: I see. You can watch the monitor as I examine you.
P: All right.
Dialogue 4
(after examination)
N: Congratulations! The doctor confirmed your pregnancy.
P: Wow! I'm so excited. I'm going to be a mother!
N: Is this your first pregnancy?
P: Yes. I can't wait to tell my husband!
When is the due date?
N: Let's see. You are in your third month of pregnancy.
So~. Let me check.
P: How long will it take?
N: Oh! We can calculate the date for you in no time.
I will get you a brochure for you to read.
P: Thank you.
N: You need to come in for regular check-ups until the time of delivery.
What happened at the clinic today?
Case summary
A young woman came in to the clinic today. She wanted to know if she was _____________. She did not have morning sickness but she said she felt _____________ and had no ______________.
So the doctor gave her a __________ exam and confirmed her ________________. She was so happy and _______________. She has to come to the clinic for regular ______________ until the time of _______________.
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