Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Physical Therapy (Listening practice)

PT - Physical Therapist

strain                  압박을 주다, 염좌를 입다
support               지지하다, 받쳐주다.
triangular             삼각형의
infrared therapy    적외선 치료
pulse                   (전기)파동, 진동, 맥박
tingling                 짜릿한, 가벼운 전율의, 쑤심, 저림
crutches              목발
walker                   보행기
cast                     깁스
cane                     지팡이
acupuncture          침 요법

Dialogue 1
PT:      Yes.  What seems to be the problem?
P:        I have a terrible pain in my back.  I can't walk.
PT:      How long have you had this problem?
P:        For two days.  I think I strained my back during an exercise.  It's killing me.
PT:      Have you taken anything for it?
P:        No, nothing.
PT:      OK.  Please lie down on this bed.  You can support your knees
           on the triangular pillow by putting it under your knees.
P:        Like this?
PT:      That's right.  We will put a hot pack under your back to ease the pain.
           If it gets too hot, let us know.

Dialogue 2
PT:      How are we doing here?
P:        You know, that hot pack feels really good.
PT:      Now turn and lie on your side.  We will start electrical therapy.
P:        Will it hurt?
PT:      You will feel a tingling sensation.  You won't feel any pain.  Just relax.
PT:      Now how does this feel?  Do you feel the electrical pulse?
P:        No.  I hardly feel anything(거의 아무것도 못 느끼겠어요).
PT:      Maybe it's too weak.  I'll raise it up(강도를 높이겠습니다).  How about now?
P:        Yes.  Much better.  Good!
PT:      It will be another five minutes.

PT:      We will do infrared therapy.  It will ease the pain considerably
           (통증이 많이 완화될 거예요).
P:        Thank you.

PT:      Yes.  What seems to be the problem?
P:        I have a terrible pain in my _______.  ____________.
PT:      How long have you had this problem?
P:        ____________.  I think I strained my ____ during an exercise.  It's killing me.
PT:      Have you taken anything for it?
P:        No, nothing.
PT:      OK.  Please lie down on this bed.  You can support your _______
           on the triangular pillow by putting it under your __________.
P:        Like this?
PT:      That's right.  We will put a hot pack under your _____ to ease the pain.
           If it gets too hot, let us know.

Now fill in the blanks with information given below.
body part                             motion                      duration
neck                                    move my neck           for a week.
shoulder                              move my arm             since this morning

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