Thursday, August 28, 2014

Orthopedic Department (Role play)

terrible               지독한, 불쾌한
during the day    낮 동안
housework         가사, 살림살이
strain                 ~을 무리하게 쓰다, ~을 상하게 하다.

Dialogue 1
N:     Good morning.  What brings you to the doctor this morning?
P:     Hello.  I've got a pain in my back.  It's really terrible during the day.
N:     Does it hurt all the time?
P:     Yes, especially after doing housework.
        When I try to stand up, oh, it's so painful.
N:     Let me just feel here.  Is this where the pain is?
P:     Ouch!  That's it.
N:     You can go see the doctor now, Mrs. Adams.

Dialogue 2
(After examining the patients.)
Doctor:   You've strained your back rather badly.
P:           That's what I thought.
D:           I advise you to take plenty of rest.
              Don't do any heavy lifting.
P:           O.K.
D:           When you feel better you should do some exercise to strengthen your back.
P:           What kind of exercise, Doctor?
D:           Sit-up, for a start.
              Also walking or riding the stationary bicycle.
P:           I see.
D:           You can go to the physical therapy room.

What is the patient's name?
What is she complaining about?
What does the doctor recommend her to do?
What kind of exercise should she be doing according to the doctor?

What do you recommend someone who has a backache?
Ex.  Take a warm bath.

Role Play
Student A
You sprained your ankle climbing a mountain.  It happened yesterday.  It's very painful and you cannot walk without a cane.

Student B
You are the nurse.  Ask questions about the patient's ankle, which is very swollen.  Ask her when it happened and if she took any medicine.  It looks very bad.  She has to wait for the doctor who is in surgery.

N:   Good morning.  What brings you to the doctor this morning?
P:   I sprained my ankle while climbing a mountain.
      It's very painful and I cannot walk without a cane.
N:   When did you go hiking?
P:   Yesterday.
N:   Let me take a look.  It's very swollen.  It looks pretty bad.
      Did you take any medicine for it?
P:   Just an asprin.
N:   You need to wait for the doctor who is in surgery right now.  It might take a while.
      Please have a seat.

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